We will take our cars for a tune-up because we know it needs it to run smoothly. The same is true for our relationship.
Falling in love is amazing! The excitement of meeting someone new brings out the best in all of us; the journey ahead feels like an open road full of possibility … but, then something happens: Either the relationship starts to feel stale, or perhaps money issues, kids, or trying to figure out a comfortable work-life balance comes into play. Whatever the cause, the initial spark dims or goes out altogether, and the future of your relationship becomes a long and winding road, full of pit stops and flat tires.
Well, don’t worry because this happens to everyone. All it means is that it’s time for a tune-up.
- Conflict is growth trying to happen
Most people believe that if you’re having problems in your marriage, you’re with the wrong person.
So, when conflict gets heated and gnarly, they wonder if it’s time to bail … and it’s not!
Rather, if you’re willing to work with the conflict, there is something wonderful and amazing waiting for you right around the corner.
- A laugh a day keeps the divorce lawyer away
Sometimes we’re so busy working on our relationships that we actually forget to enjoy them.
What’s the point of doing all of that work if you’re not having fun with your partner?
Make a point of putting time aside to regularly do things you both enjoy or ways you have fun together.
- Want to spice up your relationship? Ditch all negativity!
Why are we so inclined to focus on what’s bad instead of what’s good?
In order to survive our ancestors brain was wired with a negativity bias. Velcro for negative experience, and Teflon for positive.
When we start to feel stress or tension, our brain will switch into negative criticism. An absolute relationship downer.
Try looking for, and telling each other, at least one thing every that is positive, and that you value and appreciate.